Set includes 3, 10oz rollerballs of essential oil blends and reiki-charged lapis lazuli crystal.
About the oils:
Ancient Temple
Frankincense • Myrrh • Organic Olive Oil
This scent echoes the days our ancestors engaged in ancient ritual worship. Myrrh is referred to 11 (or arguably more) times in the Tanakh (the entire Jewish Bible) and is included in many ancient temple recipes. It was used to perfume the robes of the priests, blended in the holy anointing oil, and so much more. According the legend, myrrh is a reference to Moshe Rabbeinu, who led our people to freedom from years of slavery and oppression. Myrrh is also connected with Avraham Avinu, symbolizing Mt. Moriah — where he was put to the ultimate test by The Creator. In the beautiful love poetry of Shir HaShirim, the Song of Songs, myrrh is mentioned seven times, including imagery of a other-worldly wilderness “perfumed with myrrh and frankincense”. Also mentioned throughout Jewish texts, frankincense is one of the 11 components of the incense used in the holy Temple, and one of the perfumes used to honor dead royalty.
Myrrh • Cinnamon• Calamus • Organic Olive Oil
This recipe is directly from the Torah itself. The holy anointing oil described in Sefer Shemot (The Book of Exodus) [30:22–25] was created from: pure myrrh (מר דרור mar deror) 500 shekels (about 6 kg), sweet cinnamon (קינמון בשם kinnemon besem) 250 shekels (about 3 kg) sweet calamus (קְנֵה-בֹשֶׂם kaneh bosem, fragrant cane) 250 shekels (about 3 kg).According to Jewish legend, the holy anointing oil was only made once by Moshe himself — and it carried the priests and Jewish people though our rituals the time up until the first Temple was destroyed. There are so many fascinating rituals associated with this oil throughout the Tanakh! According to text, the High Priest designated it was time for anointing by using the word kadesh “to make holy”. This use of oil allowed these ritual leaders to transcend from the realm of the ordinary to the realm of holiness. Use this oil to do the same — pausing and remembering that certain moments in time are special, different, and holy.
Hyssop • Cedar • Organic Olive Oil
This blend is inspired by Bamidbar, Parsha Chukat (Numbers 19:1-22). In this portion of text, we learn a “recipe” to purify those who have come in contact with a corpse. “..and the priest shall take cedar wood, hyssop, and crimson “stuff” [term is unclear — maybe a type of string], and throw them into the fire consuming the cow.”
While no cows were harmed in the making of this oil, I have attempted to recreate this oil for use in modernity using the other mentioned ingredients. While we might not be concerned with ritual purity in the same way as our ancestors were, we might occasionally feel we need to “purify” ourselves from a negative experience, or perhaps before we enter into meditation or prayer.
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